Monday, August 23, 2010


In happier times before the Great Flood

Election quip

Time wounds all heels

It's still not over

We've survived a 5 week election campaign and the election itself only to find ourselves straight into a new campaign to seize government from a hung parliament by winning over the independents. Ironically, my electorate of Denison may turn out to be the one that determines the final result.  We were considered too safe a seat for the leaders to even visit during the campaign and there was so much emphasis on western Sydney that it seemed that our votes counted for nothing. As it's turned out we are very likely to elect an independent.  It will go down to the last few votes and reflects the general disdain felt by many Hobartians for the major parties and their fatuous campaign.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Return of the whales.

Electioneering is almost over and put into perspective by some real news from Hobart.  For the first time in 189 years a whale has given birth to a calf in waters off a Taroona beach close to my sister's home. So much more exciting than Julia's 6 radio interviews before 8am today, or Tony's vow to keep talking to voters all through the night.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Around this time last year I was in Cornwall holidaying with my grandchildren.  Come to think of it the weather then (mid Summer) wasn't very different from what we've been experiencing here lately in Winter. What I remember most from this trip, however, was how I came  to appreciate the joys of parenthood more keenly.

Observe a father taking his near-teen daughters on a half-term holiday.  See how number 1 daughter strides confidently off 50 yards in the lead with a number 2 daughter in rapid pursuit, while father valiantly struggles to steer the small procession from behind: establishing destination, setting direction, purchasing tickets, managing mountains of luggage and carefully supervising your global grandparent, who is always to be found a considerable distance to the rear.  Along footpaths and platforms, over footbridges and steps, along tunnels and corridors, down escalators and up stairways, in and out of trains see them go.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Are we there yet?

No, but we've passed the halfway mark in this election.  Just as well, as we're in danger of being swamped by the number of Prime Ministers (current PM, very nearly current PM, immediate past PM and at least three even- more-past PMs) who have now entered the ring.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Quip of the month

Out of the mud into the puddle.
                   (Czech proverb )